
enjoying views while snow camping


Ditch the Hotels and Go Snow Camping This Season

At the end of a long day on the mountain, you might dread the thought of spending a night out in the elements as the temperatures begin to drop. The idea of snow camping might not seem that appealing but…



Stepping Into Something New

Venturing into unknown territory is always a scary prospect. Whether it’s starting a new job, moving to a new city, or learning a technical outdoor pursuit, the new and unknown is intimidating. The new can challenge us both physically and…



Doing a Desert Road Trip Right

The desert. An arid landscape that, despite its natural beauty, makes life very difficult. Huge temperature swings, lack of water and limited shade can make desert adventures difficult. However, those that venture out into this terrain are rewarded with glowing…



The Access Fund’s Guide to Car Camping like a Pro

There’s a certain feeling that accompanies crossing a state or county line. It fulfills our innate desire to roam and wander. New experiences and settings are on the horizon and a simple rotation of the steering wheel can take us…



Reaching America’s Rooftop

I step outside my tent and the negative 40-degree air slaps my cheeks, the only exposed area of skin. The day is clear and the mountain is in view. I take it all in one last time. Colored tents dot…



Step By Step

“Are you guys thru hiking?” a day hiker asks while passing. I stop and turn, leaning on my trekking poles, noticing the smell of shampoo and soap. “We’re trying!” I say enthusiastically. I take a step backwards, hoping the person…



From Canada to Mexico

Have you ever had a big adventure idea, and everyone told you that you’re crazy for it? Well, we might be a little crazy, but we are definitely adventurous and so we did it: Cedric and I cycled from Canada…



What’s in my Pack: Family Backpacking

“It will all be worth it when we get to camp,” my mom reassured me, handing me a fruit roll-up with one hand and swatting a mosquito with the other. “These first days in the forest are the worst, and our…



Adventure Running

ad ∙ ven∙ ture run  noun   \ǝd’ven-t∫ǝr ‘rǝn\ a form of simple jogging done with the goal of exploring a novel environment; modern origins can be attributed to this seminal escapade across NYC a means of seeing sights, meeting people, exploring landscapes, and sampling tasty…
