Our Contributors / Mary Beth Skylis

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Mary Beth Skylis

Mary Beth Skylis has been lucky enough to begin her life of outdoor pursuits on long trails, hiking the 2200-mile Appalachian Trail, the 458-mile Colorado Trail, and part of the Annapurna Circuit. She has feasted her eyes on the snowy Himalayan peaks, watched aggressive rhinos contemplating a charge, and observed Costa Rican monkeys leaping through the air. When she isn’t adventuring, she can be found collecting personal narratives and adventure stories for those who need their outdoor fix. Skylis works as a columnist for Backpacker Magazine. Her work can also be found in publications like Outside Magazine, Women’s Health, Alaska Magazine, 5280, Trail Runner, and Blue Ridge Outdoors. When she isn’t telling stories, she can commonly be found on an airplane to nowhere or in the steep and jagged mountains.

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