Winter can be the perfect season to seek solitude along some of your favorite, more crowded trails or peaks. Together, let’s dig into some winter camping myths that are keeping you and your buds from sleeping on the snow.
The days of bunkering down for the winter are behind us. It’s time to take advantage of the fourth season.
As summer becomes fall and fall becomes winter, a new set of challenges arrives with winter camping. Packing lists get heavier and longer as you gather the right gear for staying safe and warm. Winter sleeping bags, warmer jackets, four-season…
Here we walk you through what we mean when we talk about sleep systems, and how to build the right system for you.
It’s 3AM and properly raging outside. We’re on the North side of Pitchoff Mountain, in New York’s Adirondack Park. It’s a relatively short snowshoe from the car, but it feels like Alaska right now. It’s -4F inside the tent and…
Don’t let the winter snow keep you away from your favorite camp sites. Learn how to build your winter sleep system so that you rest better while snow camping.